Tips on How to Choose the Ideal Jewelry Gift for Christmas

Pressured about giving the perfect jewelry this holiday?


Looking for the right jewelry that will delight the giftee can be a little stressful. When you don’t know what your friend wants, you might find it hard  on where to begin so we thought we’d share a few tips.


Pick out the best jewelry gift for your dearest friends this Christmas and…

Top Gift Ideas for your Favorite Sagittarian Friend

Sagittarius people –what’s not to love about them? They’re carefree, optimistic, adventurous, and have a zest for life. Also known as the archer, Sagittarians are easy to get along with, funny, independent, artistic, spontaneous, and charming. They always let their inner child play and have a never-ending enthusiasm for obtaining knowledge.


Since we’re already in Sagittarius season, we’ve curated a…

5 Ways to Celebrate Halloween At Home

Some people consider Halloween as the time to watch Halloween-themed parades and celebrate with friends. But there are others who are just not thrilled with the spooky season.


If you are one of those people who prefer to stay home on Halloween night, you’re not alone. To make All Hallow’s Eve feel festive –even when you’re not too thrilled about…

5 Gift Ideas for Your Favorite Scorpio Woman

Is it Scorpio season yet?


The sign of passion, mystery, intuition, and intensity, Scorpio is that person at a party who sits in a corner but quietly attracts everybody’s attention. If you have a Scorpio friend then you’re in luck –she’s your emergency contact and someone  you can talk to about life for hours.


Now when it comes to buying gifts…

How to Deal with Difficult Customers Effectively

Regardless if you’re a seasoned owner or still learning the ropes of a beading business, you’ll have to deal with difficult customers every once in a while. So, what’s the best way to handle them?


In this article, we’ll give some tips on how to maintain your professionalism when handling difficult customers.


Keep in mind that difficult customers can be even…