10 Best Yellow Gemstones

10 Best Yellow Gemstones to Incorporate in Your Jewelry Creations Part I

Plenty of jewelers and beading enthusiasts have now embraced colored gemstones, especially yellow gems.


Yellow gemstones have won the hearts of many all because of their striking and warm appearance. The color yellow has plenty of positive attributes which include enlightenment, energy, happiness, and loyalty. It also denotes wealth, health, and good luck for some cultures. Furthermore, this tone gets the most attention in the color spectrum.


Now here are our top 10 yellow gemstones that will surely add excitement to your jewelry creations.


Yellow Diamond. This is perhaps the most common and reasonably priced of all colored diamonds. Yellow diamonds get their color through traces of nitrogen during the formation of the stone. Known for their fire, brilliance, and durability, yellow diamonds are great as engagement rings. They may be somewhat brittle but they have a hardness of 10 on the Mohs’ scale. They can also be very easy to maintain and can be somewhat scratch-resistant.


Citrine. Another popularly known yellow gemstone is citrine which comes from the French word citron for lemon. This gem is famous for its beautiful yellow-brown blue tone. It has a hardness ranking of 7 on the Mohs’ scale and is relatively robust. You can wear this daily with utmost care. If your citrine gets damaged, you won’t have to worry as it is affordable. It is also high in clarity and transparency and doesn’t have visible impurities.


Golden Beryl. Derived from the Greek phrase ‘gift from the sun’, golden beryl or “heliodor” is a little-known variety from a famous mineral family. Other varieties include other known stones like emerald, morganite, and aquamarine. Yellow beryl has a hardness rating of 7.5 to 8 and is quite tough. Most yellow beryl has little to no visible inclusions and has high clarity. This gem can be a great substitute for the more expensive yellow sapphire.


Amber. One of the few organic gemstones made of fossilized tree resin, amber has been used for a long time and dates back to 13,000 years. One feature that stands out is the inclusions in the stone like plant matter and insects. If there are plenty of inclusions, the price is definitely higher which is in contrast to the general rule that inclusions lower the value of a gemstone. On the otherhand, amber can be extremely soft which weighs at 2 on the Mohs’ scale. It should be treated with care as it can be quite sensitive to perfumes, alcohol, and certain types of chemicals.


Tiger’s Eye. An affordable variety of quartz, tiger’s eye is famous for its stunning golden-brown tones and interesting patterns. Most of this type of gemstone features chatoyancy, which is known as the cat’s eye effect, from where its name was derived. Tiger’s eye is ideal for everyday wear as it has a hardness rating of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs’ scale. The form is cut en cabochon to better improve the chatoyancy effect and luster.


So, if you need to add a few yellow gems for your next beading creations, you can choose from our list above. From warm hues to playful sunny colors and interesting bright tones, yellow gemstones are just what you need to liven up your wardrobe, especially that spring is right around the corner. Stay tuned for part 2 of our post!

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