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Design Combo 8 Message wood pendant “peace” necklace with braided leather

List of Materials – N-0142
1pc. WDC02C-PEACE message wooden charm
5pcs. WD1310BE black ebony wood round 10mm
2pcs. MC403 metal cast bead copper
160in. BCLG15BR-50 leather cord
14in. BCSF28BR-25 suede lace
1 tube TLGSHYPO01 g/s hypo cement

List of Materials – B-0142
4pcs. WD1310BE black ebony round 10mm
30in. BCSF28BR-25 suede lace
10in. BCSF28BR-25 suede lace
1 tube TLGSHYPO01 g/s hypo cement